Beat the Heat for Mechanics

Are you a mechanic who loves doing what you do, but are faced with one, huge obstacle… the heat? Luckily for you, this article is going to go into what you can do to beat the heat. You want to do your job efficiently while also staying cool and comfortable. We at On the Road Truck Repair are here to help.  So how can we do that?


Obviously, you can’t show up to service a truck in a tank top and flip flops, so this article is here to tell you how you can stay cool without losing your job. I have interviewed many employees from On The Road Truck Repair and I am going to share with you some of their suggestions. If you work at night, you don’t have to worry about this first tip: taking breaks in a shady spot, so not to get too much sunlight exposure. Take it from Cordero Spencer, a highly trusted employee. “Find a shady spot to take breaks if you have to, although we usually do work at night.” TJ Morris agreed and said that he “works at night to beat the heat.”


Another employee  had the idea to always bring a cooler with ice. “Sometimes the yards even have coolers filled with ice for us; it’s really nice.” Another mechanic suggested he can beat the heat by bringing water and/or Gatorade®  for a refreshing break. A suggestion from is watermelon. “Watermelon is the juiciest of fruits…and even more refreshing than a cold can of fizz.” Grab a wedge, chop it up, or puree it to drink.


Here at On the Road Truck Repair, you are given $30 daily to buy food and water. Believe it or not, $30 dollars can go a long way to buy you a meal full of nutrients. This is what you need to keep you powered throughout the day. Don’t just stop by a fast food chain — they won’t sustain you for a full day of work. Instead, try looking out for proteins like cheeses or meats. Paleo Hacks suggests zucchini noodles and shrimp tossed in a macadamia nut pesto sauce — easy to make and to transport.


The Mayo Clinic recommends several way to stay cool when the temperatures rise. A few we encourage you to implement include:

  • Wear loose-fitting, light-weight clothing
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Take it easy during the hottest part of the day (we like working at night to help with this)

We hope you found this article helpful and that you use our tips to beat the heat on the yard so you can do what you do best, the best you can… servicing trucks!